Layam Group is not a company in the true sense, it’s an institution which strongly believes in intellectual growth. In fact, you can call Layam a ‘Gurukul’. We have created a strategy for Cost, Quality and productivity with an emphasis on People, Process and Performance. We have emerged as the Catalyst for Growth for many companies and our employees alike. Our pioneering concept of head count to brain count has benefited over 15,000 people who have moved ahead on their career path thanks to our upskilling process of making them ‘industry ready’. Likewise, our employees too view Layam as the perfect training ground to hone their skills. From a trainee executive to HODs, we make sure that learning process does not cease. Most of our employees who have moved on to other companies have left on a positive note. Employees may have chosen to move on for various reasons like family or health issues or a better opportunity, but each one of them have left Layam with a positive outlook. Our ex-employees have openly expressed that they feel enriched by the knowledge and confidence they have gained by working in Layam. Needless to say, all ex Layamites continue to stay in touch with us and yearn to come back to Layam one day.
We can proudly say that HR as a partner in progress is a concept that we have successfully implemented amongst our stakeholders and our ex-employees too! Today, our ex-employees have emerged as the true brand ambassador of Layam as they play an important role in our recruiting and branding strategy. As the importance of relationships and networking gains momentum, Layam has successfully showcased that creating and nurturing the network of ex-employees is a step in the right direction.