Layam Talent Academy Foundation was approached by India’s top automobile manufacturing company for their large scale requirement of trained Dealer Sales Executives for their dealers in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Layam proposed the model of Hire, Train Deploy wherein Layam will source candidates based on the client’s requirement , train them in batches as per ASDC syllabus and deploy them in their allotted dealerships. The project was initiated in Chennai and batch size of 35 students was fixed. A specialized team was arranged for this project wherein a team lead, trainers, recruiters and coordinator was deployed. As the requirement of the candidates was tricky, mobilization was done with the means of sourcing from job portals, Ad placements, conducting Campus placements, job fairs, references etc.
With trial and error method, it was concluded that for the for mobilization of 35 students, a minimum of 200 students were to be contacted. Students were initially screened by layam, briefed about the Company and the project and were then made to take up an online test set up by the client which was conducted and evaluated by Layam. The selected candidates were then interviewed by the client for final selection and processing.
Trainer for the particular batch was sourced by Layam and finalized after interview by the Client. After undergoing a booting program conduced by the Client, the trainer was onboarded by Layam to run the batch.
Students were trained at the training facility provided by Layam where 35 seaters, computer system for the trainer, projectors, sound system and other facilities were made available. The program was designed such that students underwent classroom training for a period of one month where Students were trained mainly on Selling skills, Customer Handling, Basic Automotive Training , post which students were deployed in their respective dealers for On the Job training. After successful completion of the three month training, candidates were paid a stiped and given an offer letter. Administration and monitoring activities was done by Layam with the help of apps and daily reports was shared by the coordinator to the client. The client was updated with daily, weekly and monthly reports. Four successful batches were run in Chennai and the same project was replicated in Kerala where three batches were run.